About Us

Tiggywinklers Pre-Primary and Nursery School – Pretoria
We are a well-established Christian nursery school, situated in a peaceful, leafy suburb Hazelwood in Pretoria East.
Our Vision
To guide and educate the growing child in terms of his or her physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development. We wish to create awareness in each child that he or she is a unique and special creation and that there is a plan and purpose for their being in this world.
Our Aim
To provide a safe and caring Christian environment where children have the opportunity to grow and develop at their own pace and achieve their full potential at each stage of their development.
Educational Philosophy and Curriculum
At Tiggywinklers Pre-Primary and Nursery School, the curriculum has been developed to cater for the developmental needs and characteristics of the preschool child.
Our educational philosophy is founded upon Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theories of how children think and learn. In addition, we incorporate many activities and teaching methods that are based on the Montessori Method of teaching and the Curriculum used in the government schools. Our teachers and class assistants are well qualified and have many years of experience working with pre-school children.
When developing our curriculum, the following criteria were considered:

Children experience and learn from their environment through play.

Children’s learning is influenced by the opportunities for play that are provided for them.

The child’s stage of development must be taken into consideration when providing opportunities for play and learning.
Each class has the following learning areas:

Creative area for art activities

Construction corner for building with blocks

Book corner to encourage reading

Quiet corner for educational play with puzzles and games

Fantasy area to encourage imaginative play

A Theme table – display relating to concepts being taught

An Interest table – display showing items brought to school

A Letterland table to stimulate interest in letters and reading

The outdoor play area has climbing apparatus, swings, and sandpits, water-play and sensopathic trays to encourage active play and gross-motor development.
In all the classes from the 18 months to Grade R, the teachers make use of themes in order to teach the children concepts in an enjoyable and interesting way. In the Grade R, subject areas are taught on a daily basis with strong emphasis being placed on the development of reading, writing and numerical skills and concepts.
Hearing tests are conducted annually.
Tiggywinklers uses the Letterland Reading Programme in all classes to introduce children to sounds, letters and words.
Daily and weekly developmental games and exercises are included in the class routine. These help to develop ball skills and stimulate gross-motor development, as well as encourage teamwork and sportsmanship.
Music, movement and percussion activities are taught daily and weekly by the class teachers and the principal.
Tiggywinklers children are taken on outings to places of interest and we also regularly arrange for shows to be presented at the school.
Contact Us

Send Us a Message
Postal Address: 61 Van Staden Road, Hazelwood, Pretoria
Postal Code: 0081
Telephone: 27823253275
Principal: 082 325 3275
Email: info@tiggys.co.za
Website: http://www.tiggywinklers.co.za